Endoscopic brain and spine surgeries

Endoscopic brain and spine surgeries are minimally invasive procedures that use an endoscope to access and operate on the brain or spine. Dr. Vikas Bhardwaj specializes in performing endoscopic brain and spine surgeries to treat a range of conditions, such as brain tumors, herniated discs, spinal stenosis, and other spine-related disorders.

During the procedure, Dr. Vikas Bhardwaj will make a small incision in the skin and insert the endoscope, which is a thin, flexible tube with a camera and light at the end, into the affected area. The camera will transmit images to a monitor, allowing Dr. Bhardwaj to visualize the problem and operate with precision using specialized instruments.

Endoscopic brain and spine surgeries are preferred over traditional open surgeries as they offer several advantages, including smaller incisions, less blood loss, reduced risk of infection, faster recovery times, and minimal scarring. Dr. Vikas Bhardwaj has extensive experience in performing endoscopic brain and spine surgeries and ensures that each patient receives personalized care and treatment.